Women's Affinity Group
The RMA Women's Affinity Group offers programming specific to women bankers, and a forum for effective career networking. Some of the issues addressed are:
- How did you determine your career path?
- Was Commercial Lending your goal or did you just happen upon it?
- If you did pursue it, did you feel you had to break through the glass ceiling?
- What tips or suggestions would you give other women entering commercial lending?
- As well as numerous topics related to best practices in commercial lending.
If you are interested in learning more about the Women's Affinity Group or if you would like to volunteer as a WAG Committee Member, please contact:
Colleen Lavoie, Co-Chair, clavoie@bdcnewengland.com
Carolyn Normand, Co-Chair, cnormand@southshorebank.com
The Southeastern MA / Rhode Island Women's Affinity Group events are held twice a year, in the fall and the spring, at various locations as a luncheon event with a speaker or panel.